2012年10月19日 星期五

Trust and Building Social Capital

Asymmetric Nature of TrustTrust is fundamental: erosion of trust causes chaos. It may take years to build trust and seconds to lose it. Yet, how does one rebuild it?
What are your thoughts, observations and views? Please join the Socratic dialogue on ATCA 5000 at https://www.yammer.com/atca. We look forward to hearing from you! The ATCA Research & Analysis Wing and the mi2g Intelligence Unit can furnish further details upon request at the ATCA roundtable.
  • Trust is the foundation of social capital. Without trust the community cannot stand together. To build trust we need to identify common core values and act consistently to uphold them.  If people share common values, then we will expect others to act consistently to uphold those values. We may not know what people would exactly do, but we trust that what they do nevertheless will be consistent with those values. However, if we have too specific expectations about what people should do, then we may not really trust them. Expectation is often the seed for blaming. Why you did not do something--you deserve blame. Trust is different. You might not do as I expect, but I trust that what you do is well intended.

A religion in Life

George Bernard Shaw said that people without a religion are cowards. But religion can come to mean something to believe in. Without a strong belief, or without strong values, people cannot be courageous. But a strong belief in Life is much more important than a strong affiliation with a religious denomination.
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2012年10月14日 星期日

堅持核心價值 關心中國發展















有人又會指是共產黨一黨專政,制度上縱容掌權人濫權。制度上縱容掌權人濫權當然是大問題須要改正,是以探討如何改革制度正是國民教育的重大議題。但是,结束一黨專政是否就可防濫權,大家可看一看印度。印度是全球最多人口、政黨最多的民主國家。政黨卻都很腐敗。最近一位以卡通譏諷政府腐敗的人就被控以叛國罪;印度不少維權人士惨遭殺害;印度的腐敗程度按Transparency International的數據比中國更為嚴重。推翻了腐敗的滿清不等同就推翻了腐敗。我個人的看法是聚焦和監督一個黨、防止任何人濫權的成功機會,比要監督多個黨的成功機會更大,又可避免黨爭做成內耗。如果大家都以政黨為手段,各以自己私利為先,「上下交征利」,國家福祉必危危乎。如果大家都以謀國民福祉為目的,路線盡管不同,我們可不需要多個政黨!大家應虛心求証,放下黨爭而以團结為重,以公眾利益為重。這不是說私利不重要,這只是說每個人的私利都同等重要。公眾利益即眾人的利益,要以易地而處去思考政策,不要只從自已利益角度去思考政策。




2012年10月4日 星期四

A Charter for Inter-Religious Understanding and Spiritual Development

I drafted the following “Charter for Inter-Religious Understanding and Spiritual Development” (CIRUSD) I do fervently hope that one day the leaders of the nations of the world will support and sign it:

All religions must take as their mission the promotion of peace, including inner peace and peace between nations, races, and different cultures; 

All religious leaders accept that the different theologies of the different religions owe their origins to their different historical and cultural backgrounds. Such different theologies do not affect the commonality of their teachings in terms of spiritual practice.

Spiritual practice requires an abstention from killing and other violent acts and a respect for life. 

Different religions offer different routes to the same destination, which may be considered as adaptations to suit different peoples in different cultures.  Substance is important, not labels. Regardless of the label, all religious practices that liberate the mind from the enslavement of greed, lust, anger, hatred, ill will, and unforgivingness are true and laudable spiritual practices. 

Spiritual practice constitutes the essential teachings of all religions, not the theology of religions or that of religious sects. The theologies of religions may differ, and may conflict with science as we know it today, but theologies are like the parables that Jesus and the Buddha used to guide people to spiritual practice. It is the spiritual messages behind the parables that really matter, not the literal meanings.

A Conversation on Great Ideas and Great Minds

CriticismWhy criticise? Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people! - Eleanor Roosevelt.
What are your thoughts, observations and views? Please join the Socratic dialogue on ATCA 5000 at https://www.yammer.com/atca. We look forward to hearing from you!

  • My sense is that all religions miss the mark of the prophets of God (their general message). Prophets reveal the reality of a Higher Intelligence by their words and prophecies. For example: Muhammad received his revelation from the 'spiritual' realm and then others followed after discerning the message and its meaning. Yeshua (also called Jesus by English speaking persons) demonstrated the reality of the 'spiritual' realm by his behavior and actions. Others sensed his message and the actions as directly from a Higher Intelligence (his message was the Kingdom of God for this planet). Thomas Jefferson displayed his inner revelations when he wrote the Declaration of Independence during a critical period of American history. He recognized that our liberties and sovereign rights derived from a Creator God (not from human Government...as a non-spiritual person might desire ). Americans discerned this message an created a new destiny for themselves and the World (1776 - 2012). All these prophets and teachings imply that human beings are 'at effect' and under the control of this 'spiritual' realm (my assumption). Many of us sense that this 'dualism' is our core reality going forward.
  • Human institutions are always flawed. But some human institutions are better than others, and none of us can escape from the constraints of human institutions. That is why spiritual people understand that we need to improve our human institutions so that people can have a better chance to live in peace. One of the keys to improving human institutions is to build in mechanisms to prevent the abuse of power: political power, policy making power, discretionary powers of bureaucrats, the power of speech, the power of physical force, the power of science and technology, etc. etc. The spiritual realm lies within the mind. The institutional realm lies within the domain of worldly governments and community groups. We must not forget the importance of the institutional realm, even though it sounds mundane.