2012年10月4日 星期四

A Charter for Inter-Religious Understanding and Spiritual Development

I drafted the following “Charter for Inter-Religious Understanding and Spiritual Development” (CIRUSD) I do fervently hope that one day the leaders of the nations of the world will support and sign it:

All religions must take as their mission the promotion of peace, including inner peace and peace between nations, races, and different cultures; 

All religious leaders accept that the different theologies of the different religions owe their origins to their different historical and cultural backgrounds. Such different theologies do not affect the commonality of their teachings in terms of spiritual practice.

Spiritual practice requires an abstention from killing and other violent acts and a respect for life. 

Different religions offer different routes to the same destination, which may be considered as adaptations to suit different peoples in different cultures.  Substance is important, not labels. Regardless of the label, all religious practices that liberate the mind from the enslavement of greed, lust, anger, hatred, ill will, and unforgivingness are true and laudable spiritual practices. 

Spiritual practice constitutes the essential teachings of all religions, not the theology of religions or that of religious sects. The theologies of religions may differ, and may conflict with science as we know it today, but theologies are like the parables that Jesus and the Buddha used to guide people to spiritual practice. It is the spiritual messages behind the parables that really matter, not the literal meanings.

