2012年10月19日 星期五

Trust and Building Social Capital

Asymmetric Nature of TrustTrust is fundamental: erosion of trust causes chaos. It may take years to build trust and seconds to lose it. Yet, how does one rebuild it?
What are your thoughts, observations and views? Please join the Socratic dialogue on ATCA 5000 at https://www.yammer.com/atca. We look forward to hearing from you! The ATCA Research & Analysis Wing and the mi2g Intelligence Unit can furnish further details upon request at the ATCA roundtable.
  • Trust is the foundation of social capital. Without trust the community cannot stand together. To build trust we need to identify common core values and act consistently to uphold them.  If people share common values, then we will expect others to act consistently to uphold those values. We may not know what people would exactly do, but we trust that what they do nevertheless will be consistent with those values. However, if we have too specific expectations about what people should do, then we may not really trust them. Expectation is often the seed for blaming. Why you did not do something--you deserve blame. Trust is different. You might not do as I expect, but I trust that what you do is well intended.

